What a perfect day for the Village Store's 1st birthday - they put on a great celebration with stalls from the local producers, a treasure hunt, Bollywood dancing and a tug of war competition.
We rocked up at about midday, and the celebrations were in full swing, the hog was on the spit, the stands were up and the treasure hunt was doing good business - kids were running all over the village looking for their clues, desperate to win the ice cream for the summer prize.
Cupfins - with lovely cup cakes and other delicacies
Quails Eggs - a stall dedicated to quails eggs, I forgot to go and have a tester...
Blooms2 Florist - Marion had done a beautiful set of arrangements, although she was battling against the heat.
The Trug Man with his section of Trugs and walking sticks - I did like the walking sticks, some very traditional ideas there.
And a handbag stall and a stall specialising in chopping boards made from locally sourced timber.
The Strawberries and Cream stall was a tad quiet, but I was sure business would pick up after everybody had had their Hog Roast lunch.
It was all very energetic, with lots of hips and arms all over the place, too much for me, I had to go and have an ice cream to cool down.
I did notice that one lad had joined in, well done Dylan, I won't put the photo up though, perhaps keep it for a special occasion, like your wedding...
At last came the thing we (at least I) had been waiting for... The Hog Roast was ready!
David and Tracy from Bridgefoot Meadows had been up since 4am, preparing the hog roast for the event, I had been keeping a careful eye on their stall, as I was, to put it frankly, bloomin' starving. I saw movement and the hog was off the spit and being prepared for carving. I couldn't believe it, the queue had already started before I got there, did they not know how hungry I was?
Anyway, the rolls, filled with tender pork and crackling, cooked to perfection, were delicious and well worth the wait. Vicky Cole had already 'bagsied' the ears for her dog Rolo, (she has more front than Brighton) so Alec was left with the tail for his springer Archie, who polished it off in about 30 seconds. I couldn't believe how quickly a pig can disappear, David and Tracy must be magicians!
So with a pig bun in my hand, trying to scoff it as quickly as possible, I was press ganged into the Tug Of War! I am still not sure how this happened.
We were split into teams of four by the adjudicator, Matt Starling the Sussex Strongman. I, being of the larger build was placed as anchor man, but it was no good, our opposing side were just better, plus they were wearing shoes, I was barefoot - that is my excuse and I am sticking to it. After the exertion, the only thing I could do is bid farewell and nip to the local for a well deserved pint!
It was a great day, Sue, Josef and the team from the Kirdford Village Stores put on some brilliant entertainment that was enjoyed by everyone who attended - well done.